Black & White
This selection is for those of you that like Black & White imagery.
Black and White Imagery has always been a lure for me, so I include them in this Gallery. Black and White Images are timeless, they can be ancient and contemporary.
Monochrome has always been associated with history or past photography, and past photographers, the like we will never see again, Ansel Adams springs to mind his Images are legendary,
and will endure many decades into the future.
If you try to analyse the modern appeal for monochrome images, I can only conclude their appeal is partly because the image, has been striped down to it's bare bones, leaving the complexity of colour out, the only thing to visualise is a sliding scale of contrast, the old saying "less is more", could be the timeless draw to monochrome images.
There is one image here that is once in a life time "THIRTEEN JACKDAWS" click here for sizes and prices, taken on the thirteenth and thirteen Jackdaws, but if you were to purchase the image you should be able to see the fourteenth bird ( to far to make out what type of bird though).
Please be sure to look back here again from time to time to see new monochrome images that i will be adding or see the news / blog and articles above.
Please click on your image of choice for more detail on sizes and prices.
All Images and text © John R Arrowsuch
Black and White Imagery has always been a lure for me, so I include them in this Gallery. Black and White Images are timeless, they can be ancient and contemporary.
Monochrome has always been associated with history or past photography, and past photographers, the like we will never see again, Ansel Adams springs to mind his Images are legendary,
and will endure many decades into the future.
If you try to analyse the modern appeal for monochrome images, I can only conclude their appeal is partly because the image, has been striped down to it's bare bones, leaving the complexity of colour out, the only thing to visualise is a sliding scale of contrast, the old saying "less is more", could be the timeless draw to monochrome images.
There is one image here that is once in a life time "THIRTEEN JACKDAWS" click here for sizes and prices, taken on the thirteenth and thirteen Jackdaws, but if you were to purchase the image you should be able to see the fourteenth bird ( to far to make out what type of bird though).
Please be sure to look back here again from time to time to see new monochrome images that i will be adding or see the news / blog and articles above.
Please click on your image of choice for more detail on sizes and prices.
All Images and text © John R Arrowsuch

River Lathkill

Thirteen Jackdaws

Wispy clouds

Maen Llia

Wayland's Smithy

Atmospheric Pilsbury

Larkstone Lane

Pilsbury Hill and Balloon

Black and White rainbow

Thors cave Sun rays

Old as hills

Millington Wood BW

Fall to Nene

Black &White Waylands

BW Forest to Waylands

Nine Stones Close

Howden Contrails

Waylands Beech


Elan Valley